Welcome to News You Can Use, a decade-long project designed by Sunny Noelle Naughton of Sunshine Silver Lining.
In the Fall of 2014, Sunny began envisioning what her life would look like after two decades dedicated, since she was a child, to musical theater, the arts, the entertainment business, Broadway, and New York City.
Having recently graduated from The New School's Eugene Lang at 29, Sunny felt she could use her skills and talents differently. After relocating back to her hometown in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, Sunny began planning her next chapter. Ten years later, Sunshine Silver Lining exists at the intersection of Communications, Storytelling, and Mental Health Literacy (with a little bit of pop culture thrown in), all passions that Sunny has cultivated throughout her life.
Launching News You Can Use, Sunshine Silver Lining's blog and update center, Sunny will craft a handful of posts each month about events, opportunities, and news you can hopefully use as you, too, envision and build a life you love while supporting those around you. Stay tuned for our first updates in the coming weeks, celebrating communication and camaraderie from Vermont, New England, and beyond.
Sunny on the international Lake Memphremagog in her hometown of Newport, Vermont